Tuesday 23 August 2011


I wasn't entirely happy with any of my ideas generated in class from the concept bombing. SO i did a quick brainstorm of ideas i think would be useful or work for this assignment:

Quick Ideas:

  • Monitoring time spent in the shower (translate this to the mum/dad)
  • Comforting messages (between couples)
  • Monitor someones eating (health watch)
  • Mood ring- detects partners mood (bluetooth, gps, wireless?)
  • Connection when you receive mail
  • Parking meter expire (gives you warning, lets you know)
  • Dog barking monitor (lets the owner know)
  • Health watch- zaps you when you about to eat bad food
  • Doorbell to tell you who the person is
  • Loosing a friend in a nightclub/festival (find them how?)
  • Alcohol consumption competition- between friends on a night out- or couples who wants to know how much the other has had to drink. (you don't need to be together to know what level they are on- could it act as a safety device (you are aware if they're too drunk?
  • Being able to tell who's at home before you get there?

Chose to extend my three favourite concepts.
Dog Barking Concept
General idea: A dog owner is worried her dog is barking throughout the day whilst she is at work. She needs to be constantly updated of when it barks, for how long and what times of the day.
Alert the owner: Via a gps bracelet which can vibrate or heat or become illuminated.
Vibration- Could become distracting
Light- Might not be obvious enough
Heat- Annoying on a hot day- however, it gets the message across.

(Quick scenario example)

Mood Band Concept
Need: A way to connect couples throughout days apart, it should signify how their day is going by the moods they go through. Moods to include- hungry, frustrated, angry, happy, tired, stressed,  bored, nervous, excited. * Meaning associated with mood jewellery comes from the temperature your body has *. Stone in the jewellery is either a hollow glass shell filled with thermotroptic liquid crystals.

How it works? My mood is displayed on my partners mood band. my mood band picks up my mood- transfers the info to my partners band and then shows my mood by presenting a colour.

Night-OUT Concept
Need: To connect friends who are in different places on a night out. Needs to add a fun-factor ie. can monitor the others drink consumption. Has an added safety feature (can see if a friend has had too much to drink and needs to be taken).

IDEALY this system can increase the fun you have on a night out. 
-Shows to friend drunk level
-Will have a breath testing device equipped in a necklace product so that when one friends is talking it can pick up their breath to alcohol ratio.
-This transmits via GPS to their friend and their 'drunk-level'

My favoured concept was the Nigh-Out concept and tutor feedback encouraged me to further develop this concept, however, making sure I focus the intent on the safety device side rather than the added fun feature. 

Stay posted to see how it goes!

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