Tuesday 26 July 2011


Hyper colour was a line of t-shirts introduced that changed colour with heat.

SO cool, yet VERY ugly.

Enhancing Products


When entering an unhealthy store (or the candy isle in the supermarket), a sensor in your clothing detects the store/isle is unhealthy and sends a message to your clothing, which in-turn then shrinks to feel tight on your body. This reminds you that you don't really need to purchase the unhealthy food and encourages you to quickly leave, before being embarrassed by wearing such tight clothing. Clothing will then return to normal size when the store can no longer be picked up on the sensor.

Enhancing Products

Bank Card

Bank card money monitoring system.. Possibility of holding your card up to an item in a store and it flashes green or red, Green: you can afford this item, Red: you can't afford it. This avoids the embarrassment of the card denying at the counter..

SMART Water Bottle


Amazing design and technology used. Could be very helpful for a fitness fanatic!

Enhancing Products

Water Bottle

Smart water bottle, if you have a daily goal for the amount of water you want to drink, your bottle could display a screen and generate a graph of your progress ie. if your ahead or behind your desired goal you will know. Something may be released into the water to also let you know how much you have consumed and how much you still need to consume. If your behind.. your water could turn a brown/black colour to encourage you to drink it, once some of the water has been drank, the water returns through hues of blue back to clear..

Enhancing Products

Backpack Un-Zipping

Can be unsafe in busy places or foreign countries- need an subtle alarm each time your bag has been unzipped.. vibration in the straps etc. Could include a mini camera in the back to take a snap-shot of the villain..

Backpack could also work to promote good posture. When your back is not pushed up against the correct sections of the back pack, the pack could heat up in sections to remind you to stand/walk with correct posture..

Enhancing Products


Device in a chair that promotes movement.. For couch potatoes who sit by the hour in front of the TV.
To encourage movement the TV picture can shrink or the couch softness thins out (becomes uncomfortable) FORCING the person to get up, move around before it will return to comfort. This could continue for a certain amount of time before they are able to comfortably sit again.

Aeroplane Chairs.. Could include a foot rest which uses a vibrating technique that acts as a circulation booster. This could also be implemented into the seat for whole body circulation on the longer flight. Adapt this idea into the entire floor..?!

Enhancing SHOES

Haptic Technology

This Technology:
  • Takes advantage of a users senses
  • Alerts the user by forces, vibrations and motions
  • Mechanical stimulation may be used to assist in the creation of virtual objects
  • Technology investigates how the human sense of touch works by allowing the creation of carefully controlled haptic virtual objects
  • It contributes to the understanding of how touch and its underlying brain functions work..

Class Exercise

Group Brainstorm

Existing enhancing products:
Subtitles, gps nav man, speaker headphones, hearing aid, glasses, mobility aids (for any disability), fall detecters, bottle opener, track pad, smoke alarm, door bell, car horn, sunglasses, 3D glasses.. 

Physical input: 
Clicking a pen, touching a light switch, wii device, musical instrument, crossing the road buzzer, any input of turning on an appliance- output = the action produced.


Enhancing products..

What is Interaction Design?!

Already Existing.

Enhance the quality of what you already have..

Action, Reaction and Interaction.


touch, hold, push, squeeze, pull, tilt, shake, shout, presence..


light, sound, temperature, motion, smell, taste..


gesture, talking, smile, drawing, writing..



'Designing with an interactive design approach'


  • Form follows function
  • Ergonomics
  • Materials
  • Textures
  • Manufacturing
  • Physical interaction
  • Product cost
  • Environmental aspects
  • Physical aspects
  • Cognitive aspects
  • Social references
  • User and characteristics
  • User behaviour
  • User information needs
  • Appropriate for product environment
  • Input and output
  • Product to behave as extensions of peoples senses
  • Naturally respond to ones behaviour and context
  • Communicate incoming signals or messages


Uni. Is. Back. Wee!