Friday 21 October 2011

SO Close.

Last week I developed an outline as to what I think needed to be included in the final presentation. I did this slide by slide for each section Scenario, Object and Behaviour. This is the initial outline I came up with for our presentation:


  • Persona - About
  • Persona - Problems
  • Research statement as proof of concept
  • Our specific criteria
  • Design brief statement 
  • Video
  • Hero image of tank display
  • In context with descriptive text
  • Hero of heart rate monitor
  • In context with text
  • Inner components of tank display
  • Inner components of heart rate monitor

  • Exploded view
  • Infrared sensor detail
  • How the product works
  • Input and output diagram
  • Relevance of design statement
  • Product Specification

I was happy with the outline I came up with as it was a great help when it came to loading all of the necessary information into the layout.

I felt that our product needed to have a logo to brand it. So I did some rough sketches on what I thought would work well, and created the final logo design in Illustrator, playing with shape colour and font.

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