Friday 21 October 2011

Heart Rate Monitor

I was designing the heart-rate monitor wristband in CAD, and Yoakim was designing both the fish tank display and the fish, so that we could get them 3D printed. This was my process for designing the wristband.

Before I was able to model the wristband I needed to figure out what components where needed to go inside the model. Yoakim helped me figure out these components as he was focusing on the behaviour section. These components included 9 LED’s, the batteries, infrared sensor and the circuit board. Research into each component helped me determine the exact sizing of each component. After the components were modeled I had a clearer idea of thickness that the wristband needed to be in order to include the technology. 

I started with the following rough sketches playing with different designs.  
Experimenting with design and screen layout.
Experimenting with the battery connection.

I wanted to keep the design as streamline as possible and I didn’t want it to represent something as similar as a watch design. Because of this I included the batteries in the join of the band rather than behind the face of the LED’s. This allowed for a thin (bracelet like) wristband, which was only powered when the two batteries were touching.

These are the CAD renders of the model I produced.

Yoakim was pleased with the design I produced however he wanted to alter the LED display screen:

Yoakim separated the screen I designed and made 3 individual screens instead. This was so that it would fit more comfortably on the users wrist. There are now 4 LED's within each screen. 
Exploded views displaying the inner components

Yoakim completed the CAD models for both the tank display and the fish. Here are the models combined in a render.
Yoakim forgot to include the lasers on the fish tank display model, so I added them in. You can clearly see here in this render how the two laser magnets are positioned on either side of the tank. This allows both sides to be moved simultaneously. 
This render shows the laser in action. It has been activated to communicate to the owner of the yellow fish, where the red fish (user) aims to be tomorrow.

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