Wednesday 12 October 2011

Workshop !

Bec and myself headed to the workshop today to make our fish tank. Yoakim was busy modelling up the fish in CAD so that they could be 3D printed later in the week. Making the fish tank proved to be more difficult then intended as we hadn’t used the laser cutter before. After drawing our pieces up in CorelDraw we were able to process the cutting of the Perspex with the assistance of the workshop men.

After cutting the pieces we starting mocking up how they fitted together. Bec had to leave so the workshop men helped me with finding the right glue and equipment. Mentholated glue was used to join the pieces together. I used a syringe to use the glue which had a massive poison label on the front.. eek!

 I left the lid unattached in order to put the fish and other pieces in. All in all, it was a fun day at the workshop!

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