Tuesday 11 October 2011

Further Possible Personas

Team Coaching

  • Where the coach monitors the display tanks to view the performance among the team mates of a particular sport.
  • This ensures the coach can view each of the results of his team
  • An example persona where this would be effective: A netball team. If there is a specific number of the team members which desire to increase their fitness. The coach would be able to monitor their performance and provide added encouragement!
Elderly Age Group

  • Exercise becomes more of a health issue for the elderly. Adaption to our Physical Physh product could result in improving the overall health of this group.
  • The Physh system could be altered to measure the heart rate increases during fitness exercises like yoga, pilates and aerobics. These are all sports which the elderly age group are encouraged to participate in. The product system could add an aspect of into their daily routines.
Professional athletes

  • This persona could be interested in Physh in order to better their current fitness levels.
  • Another benefit would be to view what fitness levels their competitors are at. However, this information may not always want to be shared.
Pregnant Women

  • Possibility to focus more on improving and maintaining flexibility rather than exercise
  • Added motivation is beneficial for both the baby and the mother
  • Motivation for any form of exercise is often difficult whilst pregnant due to the changing hormone levels within the mover

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