Monday 10 October 2011

Persona Design

This week had us re-capping on everything we had done in our workshops. We began focussing again on the initial Personas and User Interaction. Google defines a persona like this: As used in the design field, the Persona is an artifact that consists of a narrative relating to a desired user or customer's daily behavior patterns, using specific details, not generalities. 

I decided to do all of the exercises shown in this lecture again for my final design, as it has changed dramatically since the workshops began. I think each of these exercises will be use full in helping to support the Final Design Concept. 

Please click to enlarge

I began by investigating all of the attributes within the topic of 'Measuring Exercise'. Below are the results.

This mind map outlined many of the elements involved in the topic of measuring exercise. These topics were further explored, when they were put into a 'Day in the Life Of' scenario. The following is what I came up with for my user.

Persona: Group of Friends- This group of friends are studying courses at university and are wanting to get fitter and tone up before the end of year uni ball. They are each passionate about outdoor exercise but struggle to put the time aside to complete the exercise. They would like to begin group exercise between the group, but are not always available at the same times each day.

This outlines the persona to be a group of friends and then focusses on a day in one of the friends lives. I concluded that each of the friends days would be fairly similar as they all attend uni, and have part time jobs. The 'Day in the Life Of' scenario highlighted the main point to be these particular users have little time to spare whilst managing uni, work, and a social life all at once. Exercise for many of these people is considered an extra chore/ is time that could be put towards something else. This particular 'day' allowed for exercise in the early morning (just after waking up), but instead the girl wasn't motivated enough to go and put the time towards extra study instead. Another key factor within this group is procrastination. When trying to study it is difficult to remain focussed all throughout the day- exercise can help as proven by scientific research!

These Key Issues were highlighted and explored on another mind map. This reinforced the connection between the Physh Tank Concept and our users. It had the overall outcome achieving motivation to exercise.

I then began combining our concept with various narratives to portray the user behaviour and needs.
Narrative one:
A group of 3 friends Bec, Yoakim and Lisa all want to get fit before their end of year Uni ball. Lisa becomes stressed with uni work and begins to make excuses to not exercise each day. Lisa views her fish tank on the 2nd day of no exercise and sees her fish at the bottom of the tank and can see Bec and Yoakims fish towards the top, Lisa feels very embarrassed. She immediately moves her goal laser upwards to let Bec and Yoakim know that tomorrow she plans to increase her amount of exercise. Bec and Yoakim enjoy a sigh of relief knowing Lisa is now back in the game.
This narrative showed how our Physh Tank concept can be successful within a group of 3 friends who want to get fit in time for a uni ball. Having the uni ball as a goal, places a demand on the friends as they need to accomplish the fitness level by a certain date. Being able to view what the other friends have achieved, again increases motivation within the friends.

Narrative two:
A coach is training 3 people for the Gold Coast marathon in 4 months and uses the physh tank to monitor and help encourage the efforts of each person. One person takes very well to the exercise challenge and is determine to get their fish above the others. The two other people are slower to take off. The coach encourages one of the lower achieving people to set their laser goal just above the other person. As the other person views this, they become motivated to ensure the other member does not get ahead of them. The coach is happy as he can see each of the physh are back in the game.

This narrative showed how the Physh Tank concept can be successful when there is a coach involved within a group of friends. Although the coach does act as further encouragement for the friends- he needs the Physh Tank to view the progress of each person. 

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