Sunday 4 September 2011

Concept Selection

This week we began group work to continue on to our final concept design. My group members are Bec Cunz and Yoakim Vasdekis.

The following are the important parts which i gathered about the project from the lecture:

  • Latent needs of your user (What design are they going to find beneficial/ WHY do they need it?)
  • What daily life experiences are relevant to them? (Find a problem in their existing life and then find a way to solve it. Or enhance an existing experience)
  • Quality of information. (What experience are you enhancing- IS it needed? IS it in demand? AVOID transmitting useless information that doesn't assist the user in any way.
  • What do you want the information to be? WHAT is needed??
Our group began by discussing each of our concepts with constant feedback and help from the tutors. This is what i recorded:

From here we agreed to go away and brainstorm possible ideas and concepts that relate to the sharing of moods throughout the day between a group of friends.

This is my thinking so far..
  • Throughout the day can have updates of how your friends are
  • Your friends must 'apply' to view how your day/mood is.
  • Also transmit what they are doing? Is this really needed?
  • How does it go two ways? - they see your day and you see theirs
  • Does it need to have a controlled aspect?
Whats the point?
  • Can do something if friends upset?
  • Easier than a call
  • Simple?
  • A connection (Making the friends closer by knowing how they are?)

  • Connected by Music?
  • Can know what friends recent downloads are?
  • Recent plays?
  • Showing music?
  • Do all friends use iPods though? (would iPhone use be more common?
How to connect this?

Tell mood by music played ie.
Fast techno- Excited
Adele- Depressed
Slow- Calm
Country- Having a weird day..

MUST apply to view what music the friend is listening to.
  • Can you listen to that song as well?
  • Or is it a list of artists and song?
  • Can it be an iPhone app?- NO, no screen use?
  • No screen means no printing- cant use print or text
HOW can it work?
  • iPod transmits signal- therefore your ipod will play the song your friend is listening to..
  • Can it include and app? (Still works by itself but needs app to accept/deny etc?
IDEA has potential. I would like if we could avoid the use of a wristband or ring that needs wearing. Many of the initial concepts used this design and it would be effective to stay away from this. THOUGH- how else can it be done..?

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