Friday 9 September 2011

Focusing on Scenario

We began this workshop by dividing into our groups: Scenario, Object and Behaviour. Initially we focused  on what scenario is.. before delving into what its made up of.

Overall we were able to conclude that scenario is the element linking the events people and places within a design. It is comprised of the physical aspects, cognitive aspects and social references. After thoroughly researching each of these aspects you are able to correctly identify your scenario.

We then moved on to further investigate scenario by a number of exercises. Our first task was to outline an initial design brief based on scenario elements identified in the diagram:

From this i was able to identify what was needed within the scenario of the situation. We were asked to come up with a solution to the example design problem about the crowded supermarket. My rough concept looked at implementing a screen at the front of the store which enables users to select what they are looking for then.. supermarket GPS- can take you to exactly where each item is, and it will navigate the easiest way around the supermarket (ultimately saving your time).

Task two asked us to use the scenario diagram and apply it to your project. This was hard for me as my group hadn't fully identified what our final project would be. So for this exercise i focussed on Bec's initial concept which was the plant mood transfer.

This exercise clearly outlined each aspect in our existing concept. It took it back to the real basics- looking at the importance of the information that is transferred. It identified what experiences were existing and forced me to ask which experiences were needed.

This concept map was then used to outline alternative design briefs.

We asked ourselves a number of questions for this task:
1. What is the Topic Area:  Transferring mood
2. What are the key words: Mood, happy, unhappy, grow, physical reaction, connection, emotional, living form etc.
3. Use the topic area and key words to establish separate design briefs:
1. Mechanical fish to represent friends moods. Swim a lot = happy, Hover around bottom of tank = sad
2. Living forms (somewhat disposable) how many forms are living can reflect your mood?
3. A transportable device to reflect friends moods. Advantage of being portable.

We then looked at the positives and negatives within each new concept to get an overall favoured design. I liked number one the mechanical fish the most, I believe the concept is strong and continuing the 'living forms' theme is a strong idea.

NEED to discuss this lesson with my group and present to them the three concepts that i came up with. Could one of these be the final design..?

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