Monday 24 October 2011

The Day Before..

I spent the entire day today busy perfecting, adding and editing the presentation for tomorrow. NEVER under estimate how long a presentation takes to put together. Yoakim spent the day in the workshop further designing the LED display that was to go in the heart-rate monitor wristband. I wish I was able to sit in the behaviour lessons as I was unable to assist him with the programming. This appeared to be valuable knowledge that he did learn, however, it was a very time consuming process, and would of benefited by multiple people working on the programming. Here are some snapshots of the final presentation. 
Scenario example: Defining some information about the chosen persona. I chose this image as they look to be the correct age, and appear happy.
Object example: For this in use shot of the wristband I took photos of my own wrist and edited them placing the front and back renders on the appropriate images. I was happy with this image!
Behaviour Example: This was a display diagram that Yoakim put together later in the afternoon when he began helping me with the presentation. In specific he covered his part in more detail (behviour), and added more information regarding the components into Bec's section (object).

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