Friday 28 October 2011

The Presentation

Presentations: We presented very last, which I think added to my nerves on the day. I was fairly blown away with the work that the other groups had produced, there were some really awesome designs. I was happy with how I spoke and presented the scenario aspect during the presentation. Because we really tried to keep the overall presentation to 10 minutes (which proved unnecessary), I shortened the scenario section so that I was only talking about the most important details. I believe the scenario video covered most of the scenario fairly exactly, as it was very successful in conveying exactly what happened with the product. I could of expanded A LOT more about our specific persona during the presentation, however, not to worry, I have now included all of that information in my blog. 

Feedback: Overall feedback from Tim and Marianella was positive, however, Yasu wanted to know a bit more about the behaviour of the produced design. As there was not a working model of the tank in the end, so he was confused as to exactly how the track assisted the fish by moving them around the tank. Yoakim agreed that this was something he would look further into, and communicate the intention further by presenting it on both the boards and in his blog. 

Thoughts: If I could do the presentation again, I would. I would of liked to spend more time formatting the presentation. If I had the chance I would not try and reduce my speech in order to correctly meet the designated time. I was quite surprised they were not pulling groups up for going over time- however, there were many complications getting each of the role play videos working. If there was another chance-  a working model would of been very beneficial. Overall I do like the design we have come up with, and I personally would love to get my hands on this product and test it out, competing with my friends.

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