Monday 7 November 2011

Final Submission

After the presentation we contacted each other via email to work out exactly how we were going to complete the final deliverables.

Deliverables Include:
- Presentation Boards
- Design Specification Report
- Individual Blogs
- CD including each deliverable.

I agreed to put the boards together as I had done the presentation. Bec was to do the des. spec. report and Yoakim was to work on the behaviour aspect Yasu had brought up during the presentation feedback. We met on Monday so that we were able present our progress and update each other before everything was due the next day. I needed to tweek the boards and have them finished by the evening. Yoakim agreed to print them for me if I sent them through the night before (this meant I didn't have to travel up from the Gold Coast just to hand in the assessment, yay!) The majority of the design specification report had been completed although some areas still needed to be focused on. Yoakim was working on perfecting the track display.

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